Customized Home Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

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Customized Home Hazard Vulnerability Assessment

from $99.99

This service is provided by professional emergency managers with analytical training. We use open source data to compile a layered product that gives us the complete ‘view’ of your home’s hazards. We will provide suggestions and grading based on our findings in a custom made map book. These are suggestions only, suggestions by professionals. It is up to you to take this information and turn it into action. This is how you become Disaster Tough. Review our professional assessments and take action today.

A properly made Hazard Vulnerability Assessment is the foundation to great emergency preparedness.

Please allow us two (2) weeks to complete your order.

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Are you looking to purchase a home or have you been wondering what the real concerns are for your area? Our emergency managers will apply the same methodology we use for federal buildings for your home. Accessing analytical data to build a customized map book, we will review the man-made and natural hazards in your area, apply best practice and our unique algorithm that weights and grades each of these hazards for short term and long-term impact, and help direct you in your preparedness efforts.

This service is provided by professional emergency managers with analytical training. We use open source data to compile a layered product that gives us the complete ‘view’ of your home’s hazards. We will provide suggestions and grading based on our findings. These are suggestions only. A complete Hazard Mitigation Plan with additional efforts would be required to mitigate hazards. It is up to you to become Disaster Tough. Review our professional assessments and take action.

A properly made Hazard Vulnerability Assessment is the foundation to great emergency preparedness.